LOCATION: Union Square
WHAT: I'm making artwork from accumulated plastic.
TIMEFRAME: one week 01.17.2011-01.24.2011. Interactive contributions welcome :) Repetitive.
OBJECTIVE: To make a habit emphasizing our roles as creators; to observe how we deal w/ movemnt and change with regards to what we create, to see that lack of awareness results in a toxic environment.
DESCRIPTION: This is what most of us do anyway, we recycle, but most people never get a chance to create something beautiful in the process! So any plastic objects that we come across in one week is welcome. We are not going to be digging out the trashed plastic on the garbage dumps, but simply collecting the plastic objects from our normal day-to-day interactions, even plastics we normally don't even recycle--in one week's time!! Bottles from drinking sodas, the plastic bags, the plastic container from carry-out food, plastic wrap. How big the creation becomes in that one week depends on how many friends commit to consciously contributing. Thank You!!
BACKGROUND: As human beings, we are always moving. There is a unifying element of sameness within our movements, no matter how bizarre our situations and movements may be. Lasting changes is a conscious process. Most of us, even if we are constantly moving, changing our surroundings, fail to effectively bring about lasting changes because we get lost in the movement, in the complexity of our society, and lose touch with our connection to the Inner Creator. Or if our surroundings seem at stasis, we lose awareness, boredom sets in and we fail to create something beautiful and create a toxic environment instead.
MILESTONES: "Habits are created by an average of 9.5 weeks of repetition, potentially as long as several months, but missing one or two days of repetition will not impeded the process." --from European Journal of Social Psychology
We're creating a sculpture of man/woman, connecting us to our inner creators, and at the same time bring awareness to how much plastic we use in one week, and repeating this process somewhere else-- How big the creation becomes in that one week depends on how many friends commit to consciously contributing.
BUDGET: 0 dollars
NEEDS: A camera and friends, collaborators and contributors, suggestions for venues, etc and places to stay while doing the project
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